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July 24, 2024

Meditation for Nourishment and Empowerment: Feminine Power and Yin Energy (108)

Meditation for Nourishment and Empowerment: Feminine Power and Yin Energy (108)

Tap into yin energy and feminine power with a soothing 8-minute meditation. This guided meditation is perfect for when you feel overwhelmed and need to embrace rest, creativity, and inner balance.

  • 08:29 Meditation begins

Episode Highlights:

  • Learn what yin energy is and how it balances with yang energy.
  •  Discover how feminine energy nurtures creativity, intuition, rest, and trust.
  • Follow a calming five-minute meditation to connect with yin energy. We'll find the Spleen 6 (Three Yin Crossing) meridian point and use breathwork to enhance feminine energy flow.
  • Use this meditation anytime to reset, rejuvenate, and restore balance, especially when you're feeling overworked or overwhelmed.

Key Benefits:

  • Rest and Rejuvenation: Bring more rest and rejuvenation into your life with yin energy.
  • Balance and Harmony: Achieve balance between your yin and yang energies for a harmonious life.
  • Enhanced Creativity: Unlock your creative potential through the nurturing aspects of feminine energy.
  • Stress Relief: Use this meditation to relieve stress and find emotional balance.

Additional Resources:

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Episode sponsored by Connect Wellness. Connect Wellness empowers people with tools to connect with themselves, others, and the present moment.

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This meditation is perfect for when you feel overworked and overwhelmed. It helps you slow down and tap into the energy of nourishment, rest, and the power of the feminine.

Hi, everyone, and welcome back to "How the Wise One Grows," where we have mindful conversations and meditations that help you live with intention. In our last episode, Episode 107, we spoke with Yasmeen Idriss about the journey of becoming the first Saudi Arabian woman to cycle the ring road in Iceland. The secret to her success is actually different than you might think. If you missed that episode, you need to go back and listen. Today's meditation is inspired by it. In that episode, Yasmeen shares about her journey and the profound role of feminine energy in achieving this goal and the continual process of becoming.

Inspired by that episode, today's meditation is here to help us tap into the power of feminine and yin energy. This is an episode that you can come back to again and again, anytime you feel like you need a reset, anytime you want to tap into that power of feminine energy. There is a timestamp in the show notes so you can download this episode and go straight to where the meditation begins. It's a five-minute meditation that you can do anytime, anywhere.

Before we dive in, I have a couple of quick updates for you. If you love these meditations on "How the Wise One Grows," I have a really exciting offering for you. I am now offering personalized meditations. You can get a custom meditation made just for you, to gift yourself with, or one for a loved one. Each of these meditations is made at the length you request and designed to meet your specific needs, intentions, and current situation. All the details are on my website, which is linked in the show notes.

I'm also really excited to share that I am now offering one-on-one intentional living mentorship and coaching. We can work together and use the modalities of yoga and mindfulness to help you learn how to deal with stressors, strengthen your relationship with yourself, and mindfully move towards your goals and the way you want to be in this world. If you want to book a complimentary connection call to see if this is the right fit for you, there's a link in the show notes as well.

I also want to take a moment to thank the beautiful, beaming members of our Dream Team who support the podcast every single month. You can join the Dream Team for as little as $3 a month, and that helps to support the operating costs of this podcast and make it possible. There's a link in the show notes to join. We would love to have you join the Dream Team, and thank you for making this offering possible.

One final thing—you can also join our Intentional Living community, where we continue the conversations we have on the podcast and show up each week to share what it means to live with intention. This community is totally free, and there's a link in the show notes to join.

Now, that's enough announcements. Find a space that feels safe and supportive for your practice today if you haven't already, and let's start to land here together by using the senses.

Start by using your sense of sight to notice where you are right now. Just notice the objects around you. If you aren't driving and it feels safe, you can gently rest your eyes or soften your gaze at a point in front of you. Notice any sounds that you can hear. Notice where your body makes contact with the earth. Notice if there's any smells you notice. Any taste. Take a big breath in and a big breath out. Two more. Inhale, fill your chest, fill your belly with air. And exhale, open your mouth, let it out. Again, inhale, chest and belly expand. And exhale, let it all out.

Gently draw your awareness to where in the body you feel the breath. Allow yourself to experience the sensations as the breath flows in and as it flows out.

Today's meditation invites in some meridian points. For those unfamiliar, meridians are energy pathways in the body that we can work with to support our mental and physical health. In today's meditation, we're focusing on a point for yin energy and feminine energy. You've probably heard of the concept of yin and yang before, and we'll touch on it briefly here for context. Yin and yang are opposing yet complementary forces in nature, working together in constant flux to create balance and harmony in everything and all elements of life. We can think of masculine and feminine energy similarly. Yang energy is associated with masculine energy—active, assertive, about doing and heat. Yin energy is associated with feminine energy—nourishment, rest, trust, creativity, intuition, faith, and power. Both masculine and feminine energies are in all people; all of us have both.

Today, we'll focus on a meditation and a meridian point specifically for tapping into our yin energy. I'll help you find a point on the body and give you a breath to work with as we talk more about this and lean in.

We live in a world where there is a heavy emphasis on yang energy—the energy of doing, pushing, working harder. The masculine really dominates. We can tap into a deeper power and a deeper sense of fullness when we invite in the yin energy, the energy of the feminine, as Yasmeen talked about in Episode 107. Today, I want us to find that yin, that feminine energy, tap into it, and offer yourself the gifts that live there.

To do so, find a point on the body called Spleen 6 or Three Yin Crossing. If you're unable to physically touch your body, you can visualize this. Bring your four fingers together and place them on the inner side of your shin, just above the ankle bone. Notice where you feel that circular ankle bone. Rest those four fingers at the top of the ankle bone, and then right above where your pinky finger meets, bring your thumb to press into that area. You might feel a little divot or a tender spot—that's typically where you want to put pressure. Find this point on both the right and left sides.

Now take a big breath in and a big breath out. Keep continuous pressure on this point or gently massage it in circular motions. We'll also work with the breath here to tap into the energy of the feminine and the yin by lengthening our exhale for twice as long as we inhale. Inhale, fill your chest, fill your belly with air. Exhale, open your mouth, let it out. Take a long, slow inhale followed by a longer, slower exhale. Pause. Long, slow inhalation. Longer, slower exhalation. Pause. Continue to breathe this way, deepening the exhale as you breathe, allowing that exhale to be longer than the inhale. Tapping into the parasympathetic nervous system, communicating to the body and the mind that you are safe. You can relax.

This point, the Spleen 6 or Three Yin Crossing, is where the liver, spleen, and kidney meridians meet. It has many benefits, but today we'll focus on its help with yin deficiency, which can result in hormonal imbalance. A yin deficiency occurs when we're living in an emphasis of yang energy—our mind keeps racing, we keep rushing, doing so much that our hormones fall out of balance, our body falls out of balance, and we need to invite in that rest and yin again.

As you continue to breathe here and massage this point, focus on that exhale and the energy of yin—the energy of creativity, trust, nourishment, rest, intuition, faith, and power. Let yourself drop into stillness as you focus on the breath and send it to this point.

You can slowly release pressure from that point on the body and release control over the breath. Gently scan your body from head to toe and notice how the body feels, how the mind feels, and if it's any different from when we began.

Bring your hands to heart center and offer yourself a moment of gratitude for having the courage and compassion to tend to your body, mind, and spirit through practice today, and for allowing yourself to tap into the power of the yin and the feminine.

Take one more breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. Then slowly open your eyes as you return to this space.